
Pui Ching Middle School


Admission Registration
(Macau and Coloane Campus)

考試地點: 澳門培正中學 高士德大馬路7號

Location : Pui Ching Middle School Macau,
Avenida de Horta e Costa, No.7, Macau

報名時間 Registration Time

032 高士德校部
(Macau Campus)
幼初至幼高(K2-K3)、小二至小四(P2-P4)、初一至高一(S1-S4) 已截止報名 The registration period has expired.
188 路環校部
(Coloane Campus)

填寫須知 Notice

1. 輸入英文及數字時勿用「中文全形」方式。
When inputing numbers and information in English, please do not use Chinese character typing methods.
2. 本網頁所收集的個人資料只作是次報名之用。
The personal information collected on this webpage is solely for the purpose of this registration.
3. 輸入各項個人資料後請仔細檢查,資料確定送出後無法自行修改。
Please carefully review your personal information, as it cannot be modified once confirmed and submitted.
4. 資料填妥送出後,請留意有關訊息並截圖保存。
After completing and submitting your information, please screenshot the information generated for you.
5. 如無法輸入資料,請使用其他電腦或手機瀏覽器再試。
If you are unable to input your information, please try again using a different browser on your phone or computer.

Please provide the following information

Fields marked with * must be completed

請選擇年級 Please select a grade.

請選擇年級 Please select a grade.

請輸入中文名字 Please enter Chinese full name.
請輸入外文名字 Please enter English full name.
請選擇性別 Please select gender.
請輸入出生日期 Please enter Date of Birth.
請輸入澳門電話號碼 Please enter Macau phone number for contact.
請輸入學生證編號 Please enter student ID.
請選擇現就讀年級 Please select a current grade.
請填寫就讀學校 Please enter a current school.
請選擇身份證件類別 Please select ID Type.
請填寫身份證號碼 Please enter ID Number.
請選擇出生地點 Please select a birthplace.
請輸入其他出生地 Please enter other birthplace.
請填寫街道名 Please enter a street name.
請填寫門牌、大廈、樓座 Please enter detailed address.
請不要多於200字元 Please enter no more than 200 character.

家長資料 Parent Information

請填寫父親姓名 Please enter the father's full name.
請填寫父親職稱 Please enter the father's job title.
請填寫母親姓名 Please enter the mother's full name.
請填寫母親職稱 Please enter the mother's job title.

現就讀本校之兄弟姊妹 (如沒有,請留空。)
Siblings currently studying in PCMS(If none, please leave it blank.)

請輸入驗證碼 Please enter the following verification code.

If there is no response after submitting information, please ensure that the * fields have been filled out.